
Showing posts from September, 2019


Activty : Making slide presentation. Objective : Making slide as preparation before presentation on Week 10. Content/Procedure :  1) Student need to identify what need to be included in the slide by referring to the guidelines and get help from supervisor. 2) Make research and input for the slide. 3) Student make flowchart and block diagram of the project. Result/Analysis :  1) Student know what the contents for the slide which are : Introduction Background of Project Problem Statement Objectives Scope & Limitation of the Project Literature review Block diagram Flowchart Gantt Chart Expected Result Conclusion 2) Valuable information and inputs are included in the slide. Conclusion : Briefly, student manage to decide what to be included inside the slide. Research has been conducted for important inputs that required to put inside the slide. Besides, student also manage to make flowchart and block diagram of the project


Activity : Proceed with chapter 2 for the report. Objective :  Help student to complete their FYP 1 report before deadline. Content/Procedure :  1) First and foremost, student need to make research for chapter 2 which is literature review. 2) Refer slide  from 1st FYP 1 workshop for guides. Result & Analysis : 1) Research for chapter 2 which is literature review can be found from articles, journal or books. Student need to search for literature review of biometric technology, fingerprint, fingerprint recognition which helps student to understand how fingerprint sensor work and article on thingspeak as references source. 2) By referring to the guidelines, student manage to know what subtopic need to be include in the chapter 2 of the report. Figure below show those subtopic. Conclusion : To summarize, student manage to find at least 3 sources for literature review which titled  Development of Attendance Mana


Activity : Student can start making their FYP 1 report. Objective :  Help student to complete their FYP 1 report before deadline. Content/Procedure :  1) Student need to make some research for FYP 1 report.  2) Student held discussion session with supervisor in order to guide them completing the report. 3)  Student can refer to the example of FYP 1 report that their supervisor showed.  4) Besides, student also can refer to the slide from 1st FYP 1 workshop which can help student to proceed with the report. 5) Download the Final Report Template from  so student can follow the correct format for FYP 1 report. Result & Analysis :  1) Based on research that has been done, student can proceed with chapter 1 of the report. 2) Supervisor gave valuable inputs to be put inside the report. 3) By referring to the guidelines. Student know each subtopic that must be i